Download Rhythmic expressiveness transformations of audio recordings: swing modifications
In this paper, we propose a computer software for modifying rhythmic performances of polyphonic musical audio signals. It first describes the rhythmic content of an audio signal (i.e. determination of tempi and beat indexes at the quarter-note and eighth-note levels, as well as estimation of the swing ratio). Then, the signal is transformed in real-time using a time-stretch algorithm. We present basic techniques provided by commercial products for swing modification and compare these to our system.
Download Transforming Singing Voice Expression - The Sweetness Effect
We propose a real-time system which is targeted to music production in the context of vocal recordings. The aim is to transform the singer’s voice characteristics in order to achieve a sweet sounding voice. It combines three different transformations namely SubHarmonic Component Reduction (reduction of sub-harmonics, which are found in voices with vocal disorders), Vocal Tract Excitation Modification (to achieve a change in loudness) and the Intonation Modification (to achieve smoother transitions in pitch). The transformations are done in the frequency domain based on an enhanced phase-locked vocoder. The Expression Adaptive Control estimates the amount of present vocal disorder in the singer’s voice. This estimate automatically controls the amount of SubHarmonic Component reduction to assure a natural sounding transformation.
Download Semi-automatic Ambience Generation
Ambiances are background recordings used in audiovisual productions to make listeners feel they are in places like a pub or a farm. Accessing to commercially available atmosphere libraries is a convenient alternative to sending teams to record ambiances yet they limit the creation in different ways. First, they are already mixed, which reduces the flexibility to add, remove individual sounds or change its panning. Secondly, the number of ambient libraries is limited. We propose a semi-automatic system for ambiance generation. The system creates ambiances on demand given text queries by fetching relevant sounds from a large sound effect database and importing them into a sequencer multitrack project. Ambiances of diverse nature can be created easily. Several controls are provided to the users to refine the type of samples and the sound arrangement.